0151 426 0199
[email protected]Home Cinema
Just imagine the experience of going the cinema in the comfort of your own home.
With the recent advancement of projectors, the images produced in today's home cinemas equal if not surpass anything you will see in a high street cinema complex. High definition images produced by the latest Blue-ray and satellite receivers can be beamed onto your very own screen in amazing quality, add a X-box, PlayStation or Nintendo Wii and you will have to drag the kids out. Watch premiership football like never before and be immersed in your favourite movie.
You can now have the latest 3D projector and surround sound system designed specifically with you and your home in mind giving you a total experience. You may like the idea but think where would I put it, you could consider using a motorised screen and projector lift maybe converting a family room into a dual purpose area. As projector screens come in an amazing array of sizes we are sure we could find the perfect solution for you. To add that extra wow factor to you cinema we could add control solution, a one button press could turn on the projector and set your Blue-ray up while you get comfy, we could advise you on a system that suits your needs.
One of the most useful additions to a home cinemas is a media server, where you can store all your movie collection in one place, access them at the touch of a button all without having to open a single box or the frustration of finding it. .